Monday, 29 September 2008

Media Deadlines: Draft of Part One and Two

Full draft of both One and Two

due on Moodle:
Monday, 12 November, 09:00 AM

Full draft of part One and Two:
(roughly 3000 words)
first part (hopefully amended in the light of teacher comments) should be here with part 2

Draft of Part Two:
(roughly 1500 words)
(including about 500 for the last part on the industry)

Feedback criticism
What feedback did you get at the rough cut stage and how did you change things as a result ? Refer to what the class said, anything you got from youtube and from the video directors.

Analyse the images and editing in the finished music video, paying close attention to characters, performance, narrative (or absence thereof), mise-en-scene and the ways in which you have constructed the video to sell the song. Make reference to Goodwin's aspects of music video as discussed in the introductory work. His list of points is available on the music video blog. Compare your video to the conventions of music video, referring to actual examples where possible. How did the audience read your finished video ? make reference to comments from class, from iCritique and from Youtube. If you got their feedback, what did the artist think of what you'd done? compare with real videos by the artist (see what's on youtube or their MySpace).

Concluding section:
the industry Make reference to the process of making a video in the music biz as outlined by Lindy Heymann or Jake Wynne. Talk about the process from commissioning through to budgets, planning, shooting, editing and screening on TV. Use the video clips from the talks to help you ! Talk about the significance of MySpace and Youtube to the music industry. Use the articles on the blog and any others you find to help you. What impact is new media having on the business ? How does what you have done relate to that ?

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