Wednesday, 15 October 2008

Week One- work done so far

This week is the first week three members of the media group has been away on business studies.
Below I have done a quick recap of what has been done by myself so far as well as mentioning additional help from members of the group that have come in on their spare time to help while still doing they work experience.

Monday 13th:
In the first lesson without the majority of the group, I gave feedback on the rough cuts of the music videos done by the other groups in our class as they also gave feedback on our rough cut. To give comprehensive feedback each group analyzed camerawork , effects, Performance/genre, Editing, Mise en scene and overall comments to mention any improvements they could include. Once this was done I typed up the rough cut feedback onto the blog and then imported the rough cut work we as group done on Friday the 10th.

Wednesday 15th:
In this lesson, josh came in during the day from 10:50am through to 14:35pm as he had spare time to carry on any editing to ensure the work gets completed by the deadline. He also helped me solve the continuity problem which Andrea spotted out which would have lost us marks if left unsolved. While Josh editing our footage, I blogged the method of solving the continuity problem and also wrote about the colour correction josh attempted after Adrea showed us how. After the lesson me and josh were allowed to work through our free period to brush up the work on the rough cut so far as well as progressing to the next scene of the picnic from finishing the locker scene and the library. This also gave me the chance to blog some more.

Thursday 16th:
In this lesson I made a copy of the rough cut so i could make my own attempt on finishing the music video. Another blog posted explains the process in more detail. I also started structuring the daft of part one (1500 words) in for Monday 2oth of October.

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