Wednesday, 8 October 2008

Video editing session 2- Wednesday 8th October

Plan for today's video editing session
"Wednesday 8th:
we as a group, have a media lesson second period (10:50 to 12:20) time spend in that lesson will be on editing as well as the chance to work through lunch time and third period which me and josh have taken advantage of. This gives us a three hour and fifty minute window to get editing done to best possible standard "

What we have done in this session:
In this additional video editing session to involve the members of the group that will be away from the 10th of October onwards, Josh has been continuing the editing previously done in the first additional video editing session on Monday 6th of October. The editing work that has been done by Josh is finishing off the first meeting of the average guy and the pretty woman and started editing the first meeting of the player and the pretty woman which was filmed near the lockers.

While editing we noticed huge gaps within the edited work josh had done so far that was missing vital shots that worked well with the song and linked each shot smoothly. While editing was being done i took the oppertunity to note down the missing footage we need and plan when we are going to film it as well as updating the blog mentioning the process we are going through at the time and stating changes that we have made.

In Conclusion:
A lot of progress has been achieved with the first 55 seconds of the song nearly edited well enough for the rough cut.

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